Welcome 119th Congress!

Welcome 119th Congress


Dear Members of the 119th Congress,

On behalf of the 225,000 advocates of National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW), welcome to the 119th Congress.

Since our founding in 1893, National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) has boldly imagined a world where women, children, and families are fully valued and supported. We have consistently dedicated ourselves to the pursuit of equity and justice through a powerful combination of community organizing, education, direct service, and advocacy. We carry with us the tradition of safeguarding the individual rights of freedoms for women, children, and families. United by our Jewish values, we mobilize our network of 49 local sections and advocates in every state across the country to make this vision a reality at all levels of government and in communities across the United States.

NCJW’s advocates are from diverse backgrounds and share both a commitment to Jewish activism and a determination to improve their communities and country for all regardless of faith, ethnicity, race, or gender. They are driven by our key areas of work which include abortion justice, economic justice, and access to justice. 

We have included some information below about NCJW in this “welcome packet” that we hope will be helpful for you and your staff as you begin the 119th Congress.


Laura signature
Laura Monn Ginsburg
Sheila Katz headshot
Sheila signature
Sheila Katz
Chief Executive Officer

NCJW Resources

Resolutions 2023 - 2026
Vision for America
NCJW Gov Staff Contact Info
Local Sect Contact Info
SPA Contact Info
Blessing for 119 Congress
119 Congress Priorities


NCJW Government Relations & Advocacy Department Contacts

NCJW’s Government Relations and Advocacy Department coordinates all of NCJW’s public policy work, representing the organization to Congress and the administration. In addition, the office is a resource on advocacy and public policy work for NCJW advocates and sections. Learn more here.

Department staff:

Jody Rabhan, Chief Policy Officer

Darcy Hirsh, Director, Government Relations and Advocacy

Talya Steinberg, Associate Director, Government Relations and Advocacy

Alannah Boyle, Associate Director, State Policy Advocacy Network

Sarah Flores Shannon, Associate Director, Movement Building

Glenn Northern, Health Equity Policy Analyst