Welcome 118th Congress!

Dear Members of the 118th Congress,
On behalf of the 220,000 advocates of National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW), welcome to the 118th Congress.
Founded in 1893, NCJW is the oldest Jewish women’s volunteer organization in the US. We are a grassroots organization of advocates who turn progressive ideals into action. Inspired by Jewish values, NCJW strives for social justice by improving the quality of life for women, children, and families and by safeguarding individual rights and freedoms. This mission provides the overarching framework for the organization’s programs and activities, primarily focused on: reproductive health, rights, and justice; federal courts; and economic justice.
NCJW’s advocates are from diverse backgrounds and share both a commitment to Jewish activism and a determination to improve their communities and country for all regardless of faith, ethnicity, race, or gender. The organization has affiliate groups (sections) in over 50 communities in 30 states, with NCJW advocates in every state across the country.
We have included some information below about NCJW in this “welcome packet” that we hope will be helpful for you and your staff as you begin the 118th Congress:
- Resolutions
- Vision for America
- Abortion and Jewish Values Toolkit
- Government Relations and Advocacy Staff Contact Information
- NCJW Local Section Contact Information
- NCJW State Policy Advocates Contact Information
- Blessing for the 118th Congress
- NCJW 118th Congress Priorities
Dana Gershon and Sheila Katz
Dana Gershon

Sheila Katz
Chief Executive Officer

NCJW Resources
Click here to download the resources from the folder.
NCJW Government Relations and Advocacy Department Contacts
The NCJW Government Relations and Advocacy Department coordinates all of NCJW’s public policy work, representing the organization to Congress and the Administration. In addition, the office is a resource on advocacy and public policy work for NCJW members and sections. Learn more here.
Department staff:
Jody Rabhan, Chief Policy Officer
jrabhan@ncjw.org, 703-927-1575
Faith Williams, Associate Director
fwilliams@ncjw.org, 202-643-3829
Alannah Boyle, Manager of State Policy Advocates
Smriti Krishnan, Government Relations and Advocacy Manager