Business Sessions

Washington Institute

Raise your voice in our nation’s capital: April 7-9, 2019

Join NCJW in Washington, DC for Washington Institute 2019 (WI 2019) to learn from experts, strengthen your advocacy skills, connect with activists from across the country, and storm Capitol Hill to meet with your lawmakers and their staff on critical issues!


Register today!


When is Washington Institute?

Washington Institute 2019 kicks off after lunch, ET, on Sunday, April 7, 2019, and wraps up on Capitol Hill with a rousing send-off from lawmakers late Tuesday afternoon April 9. Please note that the start and end times may change slightly as we finalize the program.

Where is it?

Washington, DC of course! More specifically, the Washington Marriott at Metro Center located at 775 12th St. NW, Washington, DC 20005. All events Sunday and Monday will be held at the Marriott.

The hotel is on the Metro’s red line, Metro Center stop, at the 12th and G streets exit (aka Macy’s exit). Once you’re up the metro escalator, you’ll find the hotel directly behind you.

On Tuesday, we will be on Capitol Hill. The hotel will provide luggage storage while we are there. NCJW will not be providing buses. It’s an easy and short trip on the Metro, and is also easily accessible by cab, Lyft, and Uber.

What should I expect from Washington Institute?

At Washington Institute you will:

  • Strengthen your advocacy and leadership skills through interactive trainings.
  • Deepen your knowledge of the most pressing issues of the day through expert briefings and programs throughout the conference.
  • Get inspired by our amazing speakers who are on the frontlines of making change happen.
  • Network with smart, outspoken, and daring progressive people from across the country.
  • Experience the dynamic energy of the nation’s capital as you take your message to Congress.
  • Return home reinvigorated and inspired to continue your social justice work with new skills, ideas, and knowledge!

Who will be speaking at Washington Institute?

Watch this space as the planning gets underway. Expect dynamic speakers who will provide insight and inspiration into most pressing social issues we care about.

Past speakers and awardees include: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Edith Windsor, Dr. Ruth Westheimer, Senator Elizabeth Warren, Melissa Harris Perry, Lilly Ledbetter, Eve Ensler, and Senator Edward Kennedy (but that’s just to name a few).

I’m not with an NCJW section or Action Team. Can I come?

Yes! We encourage anyone who wants to experience NCJW’s core work — advocacy in action — to attend Washington Institute 2019. And we encourage you to join our national network (if you haven’t) so that you can lend your voice to all that we do throughout the year.

I’ve never lobbied before. Will I be able to participate?

Yes! If you’re looking to build or hone your advocacy skills and/or become more comfortable and confident advocating for the issues you care about, Washington Institute is a great opportunity.

The first two days of Washington Institute will cover the advocacy skills and issue education you need to hit Capitol Hill on Tuesday of the conference. But you’ll get access to our webinar trainings, issue briefings, and pre-Institute material before you even think about packing for Washington. Whether you’re a new or seasoned advocate, WI 2019 is the place for you!

I’ve already been to Washington Institute, why should I come to another one?

You can never experience too many Washington Institutes! No two are alike — each one offers incredible issue experts, speakers, and the opportunity to do what we do best — meet with our lawmakers and their staff about the issues we care about. With so many of our issues at stake, there is no better time to be in Washington. And don’t miss this opportunity to make new connections and get fired up about social change efforts back home.

When are the pre-institute webinars?

The legislative briefing webinar will be your first introduction into the issues we will take to Capitol Hill on lobby day. Save the date for Wednesday, March 13, 2019 at 7pm EST.

We will also be offering a webinar on how to have a successful lobby visit. Mark your calendar for March 20 at 1:30pm EST.

How much does Washington Institute cost?

The registration cost includes all programming and four meals. Early bird registration is $625 (before January 25); after that it’s $675. Day rates are also available.

  • A Sunday Day Pass costs $275 and includes one meal
  • A Monday Day Pass costs $375 and includes breakfast, the Women Who Dared Luncheon, and the Gala Dinner
  • A Tuesday Day Pass costs $125

Are there scholarships?

Yes! Section scholarships are available for our sections’ emerging leaders who are first-time attendees to Washington Institute. Please contact your section leadership for more information.

A limited number of scholarships are available for members-at-large, Avodah alumni, and AEPhi alumnae who are first-time attendees to Washington Institute.

  • For the scholarships for members-at-large, please click here to complete the application.
  • For the scholarships for Avodah alumni, please click here to complete the application.
  • For the scholarships for AEPhi alumnae, please click here to complete the application.

How do I register?

Registration is now open! Register today.

How do I make a hotel reservation?

We have a block of rooms at the Washington Marriott at Metro Center that is now open for reservations. Rooms start at $285 per night plus taxes and fees. Click here to make your reservation today. And don’t forget to book your travel plans as well.

If you are trying to book multiple rooms for your group, please contact our registrar, Shannon Ross, at, for assistance.

What if I’ve been invited to a Pre-Institute training?

Pre-Institute trainings for specific leadership positions will take place on Friday, April 5 and Saturday April 6. Specific cohorts include Executive Directors, Section Presidents, and State Policy Advocacy Chairs. More information to come.

Will there be social change awards given out?

Yes. Social Change Award applications are now open until January 25, 2019. Learn about the three award categories and the application process here.

What dates do I need to remember?

  • January 25, 2019 Early bird registration closes and Scholarship deadline
  • March 22, 2019 Online registration closes
  • April 1, 2019 Cancellations are no longer refundable

I’m a section leader and I need promotional materials for Washington Institute. Can you help?

We have graphics and language you can use to promote Washington Institute in your sections as you build your delegations.

I have more questions. Who do I ask?

For registration and logistical questions, contact Shannon Ross at For all other questions, contact We will get to all of your questions as quickly as possible.