National Services, Processes, & Information

Request a Section Webinar Using National’s Zoom Account

Many NCJW sections have successfully moved their meetings and events online. In response to the recent influx of requests from sections to use National’s Zoom account for webinar mode (which is an extra cost on a Zoom account), we have set up an additional Zoom account with Webinar mode so that we can provide this service.

(Please note: For board meetings and small section events, we recommend sections purchase a Zoom Pro account.)

Due to the increase in requests and our capacity, we are offering the following services:

  • Setting up a Zoom webinar* link and meeting ID for your section event. Please submit your request by 9:00 am ET on Thursdays to receive the link by the end of the week. Zoom webinars will have a 500 person capacity. Zoom meetings will have a 300 person capacity.
  • Providing up to two separate hour-long practice sessions* for section leaders to get familiar with the Zoom webinar mode on their own and hold a run-through of the event

* Availability is on a first-come, first-serve basis. In observance of Shabbat, we are not offering this service after 3pm ET on Friday through Saturday night.

Sections are responsible for:

If you have any questions, please email

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