NCJW Relieved Supreme Court Reaffirmed Checks and Balances in Voting Laws

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court ruled today in Moore v. Harper with the second major win for voting rights this June. Jody Rabhan, National Council of Jewish Women chief policy officer, released the following statement:
“For the second time this month, the Supreme Court has made clear that states do not have unchecked powers in regulating federal elections. Today’s decision in the North Carolina Moore v. Harper case is a victory for democracy, as the Court rejected the ‘independent state legislature theory,’ a controversial and extreme interpretation of election law that would greatly diminish the power of the people.
“American democracy empowers every person to cast an equal vote and Judaism teaches us that we are all created in the divine image, b’tzelem Elohim. Because we live in a society rife with injustice, our elections must be an equal platform for everyone to have a voice. Our elections are the most direct means we have to hold our elected officials accountable — they must be free and fair.
“Coming on the heels of the tenth anniversary of the shameful Shelby County v. Holder case which began the unraveling of the Voting Rights Act (VRA), today’s decision is especially gratifying. It is critical that every voter have access to cast their vote without fear of partisan legislative action diminishing this most basic right. Yet, we still have a long way to go to restore the full protection of the VRA. NCJW advocates will always fight for passage of federal voting rights restoration legislation to ensure the freedom to vote is expanded, not further restricted.”