National Council of Jewish Women Shares Strong Concern Regarding the Nomination of Governor Mike Huckabee as US Ambassador to Israel

March 20, 2025
United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
423 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Chairman Risch, Ranking Member Shaheen, and Committee Members:
On behalf of the 225,000 advocates of National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW), I am writing to share our strong concern about the nomination of Governor Mike Huckabee to serve as the US Ambassador to Israel. Governor Huckabee’s record shows unwavering support for policies contradicting long-standing US policy and international law, including the expansion of settlements in the West Bank. His rejection of a two-state solution is at odds with current US policy and the views of a majority of US Jews — and could erode America’s credibility as a fair broker in the region.
Furthermore, Governor Huckabee has a history of using divisive rhetoric that alienates Jews and non-Jews alike. His past statements trivializing the Holocaust for political gain and dismissing non-evangelical perspectives on Israel are not only offensive but also detrimental to US-Israel relations. A diplomat must foster unity and dialogue, not deepen ideological divides.
The role of Ambassador to Israel demands someone with the skill to navigate complex geopolitical challenges with nuance and respect for diverse perspectives, particularly in this moment. Governor Mike Huckabee’s record suggests he might escalate tensions rather than promote peace and stability.
US-Israel relations and the stability of the entire region are at a critical juncture: hostages are still in Gaza, famine and disease are rampant among Palestinian civilians, and negotiations between Hamas and Israel have stalled. At perhaps the most important moment in history for our two countries, National Council of Jewish Women strongly urges you to consider the broader needs in the region — peace, stability, and strategic cooperation — and Governor Huckabee’s polarizing background as you vote on his nomination.
Jody Rabhan
Chief Strategy Officer
National Council of Jewish Women