NCJW, Jewish Organizations, and Jewish Clergy Urge Congress to Help, Not Harm, Our Communities

Dear Members of the 118th Congress,
The Talmud (Shavuot 39a) teaches that we are all responsible for one another. As such, Jewish tradition emphasizes the importance of honoring every person’s dignity and caring for our communal and social well-being. Our past and present experiences as Jews further underscores our obligation to ensure that all people have what they need to thrive, in solidarity with others.
This means that our nation’s programs and services must meet the needs of women, children, and families — ensuring they have food to eat, places to call home, safe places to learn, jobs with equal pay and paid sick leave, the ability to love who they want, and health care that is affordable and accessible. But funding for these vital programs and services are being held up in Congress, where some lawmakers are threatening to shut the government down over anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQ, and anti-diversity, education and inclusion amendments. The inclusion of these amendments–and attempts to shut down the government over them–would have disastrous consequences, as these bills must be passed by midnight on September 30.
Funding bills are moral documents; they are opportunities for our nation to show how we treat those that are most vulnerable. Together, we call on Congress to pass bills to fund vital government programs and services that support and enrich our communities rather than harm them.
National Jewish Organizations |
Jewish Clergy |
ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal | Cantor Lauren Furman Adesnik |
Ameinu | Cantor Sheri Allen |
American Jewish World Service | Rabbi Laura Bellows |
Avodah | Rabbi Leah Rachel Berkowitz |
Bend the Arc: Jewish Action | Rabbi Amy B. Bigman |
Central Conference of American Rabbis | Rabbi Dana Z. Bogatz |
Dayenu: A Jewish Call to Climate Action | Rabbi Gary M. Bretton-Granatoor |
IKAR | Rabbi Dr. Daniel M. Bronstein |
Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action | Sass Brown, Rabbinical Student |
Jewish Center for Justice | Rabbi Max Chaiken |
Jewish Council for Public Affairs | Rabbi Paul F. Cohen |
Jewish Democratic Council of America | Rabbi Abby Cohen |
Jewish Labor Committee | Rabbi Stephanie Crawley |
Jewish Multilracial Network | Rabbi Faith Joy Dantowitz |
Jewish Women International (JWI) | Rabbi Benjamin David |
Keshet | Max Davis, Rabbinical Student |
MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger | Rav Tyler Dratch |
NA’AMAT USA | Rabbi Jessica Dressin |
National Council of Jewish Women | Rabbi Ellen W Dreyfus |
Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies | Rabbi Elizabeth Dunsker |
Rabbinical Assembly | Rabbi Judith B. Edelstein |
Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association | Rabbi Nora Feinstein |
Shalom Bayit | Cantor Devorah Felder-Levy |
The Workers Circle | Kohenet Keshira haLev Fife |
Union for Reform Judaism | Rabbi Joshua Fixler |
Women of Reform Judaism | Rabbi Allison Flash |
Women’s Rabbinic Network | Rabbi David Gelfand |
Rabbi Gary Glickstein | |
Rabbi Brian Glusman | |
Rabbi Keren Gorban | |
Rabbi Lisa S. Greene | |
Rabbi Michael G. Holzman | |
Rabbi Mark Hurvitz | |
Rabbi Jessica Jacobs | |
Cantor Rachel Gottlieb Kalmowitz | |
Leah Kiser, Ordained Kohenet | |
Rabbi Elias Lieberman | |
Rabbi Sharon Mars | |
Rabbi Dr. Sabine Meyer | |
Cantor Sarah Myerson | |
Rabbi Michael Namath | |
Cantor Julie Newman | |
Rabbi Liz P.G. Hirsch | |
Rabbi Salem Pearce | |
Rabbi Hara Person | |
Rabbi Ethan Prosnit | |
Rabbi Jennifer Queen | |
Rabbi Michael Ramberg | |
Rabbi Stacy Rigler | |
Rabbi Mira Rivera | |
Rabbi Shoshana Rosenbaum | |
Rabbi Francine Roston | |
Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg | |
Rabbi Neil Sandler | |
Rabbi Simone Schicker | |
Rabba Melissa Scholten-Gutierrez | |
Rabbi Ilana Schwartzman | |
Rabbi Julie Schwarzwald | |
Rabbi Scott Shafrin | |
Rabbi Becky Silverstein | |
Rabbi-Cantor Alan Sokoloff | |
Rabbi Raphael E. Spitzer | |
Rabbi Joshua Strom | |
Rabbi Jenna Stein Turow | |
Rabbi Shira Stutman | |
Rabbi Jessie Wainer | |
Cantor Risa Wallach | |
Rabbi Sheila Peltz Weinberg | |
Rabbi Michael Weiss | |
Rabbi Marina Yergin | |
Rabbi Daniel G. Zemel | |
Rabbi Irwin Zeplowitz | |
Cantor Michael Zoosman | |
Rabbi Julie Zupan |