Press Mentions

Arise and Rejoice Magazine: Changing the Lives of Children

Arise and Rejoice Magazine –– August/September Edition

Enriching the lives of North Texas pre- schoolers is the passion of Carol Tobias and her colleagues in the Dallas branch of the National Council of Jewish Women. Nearly fifty times each year, Ms. Tobias, a former realtor and business owner, joins other women and men as they introduce young children and their families to places such as the Dallas Museum of Art, the Perot Museum and the Trinity Audubon Center.

“We partner with DISD in a program known as HIPPY,” said Ms. Tobias. “The National Council of Jewish Women has been a part of the program for more than thirty years.”

Developed in Israel in 1969, HIPPY, an acronym for ‘Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters’, was designed to help develop the educational enrichment of children from immigrant families, and enable immigrant mothers to participate in the education of their children.

In North Texas, as many as two hundred children and members of their families participate in field trips to museums or other culturally enriching venues, Ms. Tobias said.

Educators have concluded that children that participate in HIPPY programs earn better grades, perform better on standardized tests and graduate from school. Parents in HIPPY programs also participate in school activities that positively affect their children, according to educators and school officials.

“The HIPPY program benefits children who are considered at risk,” said Ms. Tobias, a member of Temple Emmanuel in North Dallas. “Many parents that participate in HIPPY programs become leaders in their children’s schools.”

Kenneth Parker and his wife, Judy, members of Temple Shalom, have accompanied children and their parents on HIPPY outings.

“It is a wonderful program,” said Judy Parker, a member of the National Council of Jewish Women. “Giving to others is a very special part of life.”

View the story in the magazine.



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