Tell Congress: Defend Medicaid and SNAP

Our government has a moral obligation to support the most vulnerable in our communities. Critical programs like Medicaid and federal nutrition assistance protect and support those in need, including families living in or near poverty, children, the elderly, and people with disabilities. Millions of Americans, including one in five women of reproductive age, rely on Medicaid — the nation’s largest insurer — for their health care. But congressional leaders are negotiating a budget package that would make drastic cuts to these lifesaving programs to make up for the cost of tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, border security, and mass immigrant deportations.
Jewish teachings about our responsibility to the sick and hungry are clear and unequivocal. Tzedakah, the Jewish obligation to bring fairness and justice to the world, guides our support for programs that feed the hungry and care for the sick.
Medicaid is essential for improving outcomes for mothers and infants nationwide while also ensuring access to preventive medical services like cancer and chronic disease screenings. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) helps feed and support 42 million families each month; because of SNAP, fewer parents have to skip meals so their children can eat. Both Medicaid and SNAP are effective and essential programs for women, children, and families. We must speak out urgently to ensure these vital programs continue.
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Write your members of Congress today and urge them to reject any budget proposal that requires cutting Medicaid or SNAP and stealing from the most vulnerable. Make your voice heard today.