Protect the Right to Vote

At NCJW, we believe that our vote is our voice. Judaism teaches that our voice and our actions are connected. In Hebrew, the word for ‘voice’ and the word for ‘vote’ are one and the same: kol. This is not just coincidence — it is a reminder that to vote is to raise our voice, to show our values, and to fulfill our sacred duty to repair the world. Guided by this lesson, NCJW works to promote and protect the right to vote for every person.
Voting is the foundation of American democracy. Yet, between US Supreme Court rulings over the last twelve years gutting the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and dangerous anti-voter laws passing in states around the country, millions of voters have been barred from making their voices heard at the ballot box -– disproportionately people of color, the elderly, and low-income voters.
This is why we need the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act: to restore the full power of the landmark Voting Rights Act and block laws and practices undermining the right to vote. By passing this bill, we will ensure that voters all over the country can safely and easily cast their ballots.
Read our talking points here.
Our democracy can only fulfill its promise when each of us can make our voices heard, equally. Urge your members of Congress to support and pass the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to ensure we all have an equal say in our future.