Tell Congress: Pass Federal Spending and Defense Bills that Support All Communities

NCJW envisions an America where each of us has what we need to be healthy, live with dignity, and share our growing prosperity. Unfortunately, this is not the vision of many in Congress who are using the government funding process to undermine, instead of support, the security and health of our communities. 

Some lawmakers are attempting to commandeer the 12 Fiscal Year 2025 spending bills that fund federal government services and programs, as well as the bill that authorizes the US defense program, as vehicles to further their harmful agenda: attacking access to abortion; cutting programs that support women and children; threatening the health and safety of the LGBTQ+ community; undermining efforts to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion; and taking aim at those experiencing poverty. 

These annual must-pass bills should be an opportunity for our leaders to ensure that the most vulnerable are receiving the critical care and support they need to live healthy, safe lives. Urge your Members of Congress to pass clean spending and defense authorization bills, free from harmful and hateful language and program cuts.