NCJW is governed by a Board of Directors which sets the policy and direction of the organization, contributes to the achievement of programmatic goals, and fulfills a variety of fiduciary responsibilities.
Laura Monn Ginsburg President |
Sheila Katz Chief Executive Officer |
NCJW Board of Directors
Laura Monn Ginsburg
Vice Presidents
Stephanie Rodgers
Robin Roger
Emily Sweet
Patty Rubin
Assistant Treasurer
Luise Mann
Aliza Plotkin
Immediate Past President
Dana Gershon
Darien Alpern Arnstein
Jacqui Beckett
Paula L. Garret
Renee Karp
Emily Kuvin
Fran Levey
Molly Morse Limmer
Mariely Luengo
Linda Noonan
Monique Faison Ross
Beth Salamon
Jill Tavlin Swartz