Trump Slashes Refugee Admission, Betrays Nation’s International Commitments
National Council of Jewish Women
2055 L Street NW, Suite 650
Washington, DC 20036
Contact: Amanda Lang
Director of Marketing and Communications
Trump Slashes Refugee Admission, Betrays Nation’s International Commitments
September 18, 2018, Washington, DC – The National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) today denounced the greatly reduced target of the number of refugees to be allowed into the United States. NCJW CEO Nancy K. Kaufman released the following statement:
“The Trump administration has taken another pernicious step backward on immigration policy by cutting the number of refugees allowed into the United States to a fraction of what it was a mere two years ago. While the number of displaced persons in need of assistance is the highest on record — estimated at 25 million — the administration has chosen to turn its back on those desperately in need of protection and resettlement. The US commitment was already disproportionately low and wholly inadequate to address the desperate needs of millions.
“The administration is supposed to consult with the House and Senate Judiciary Committees on refugee policy prior to setting a refugee admissions target. Since this did not occur prior to the announcement, it would seem the 30,000 figure is a preordained number, divorced from any serious policy or humanitarian evaluation. Rather, it is the latest attempt by anti-immigrant and anti-refugee administration officials, including White House Chief of Staff John Kelly and Senior Policy Advisor Stephen Miller, to dismantle the country’s refugee resettlement infrastructure.
“Indeed, the latest move appears to be just another step in a relentless campaign to dismantle the capacity and effectiveness of our nation’s refugee resettlement program. While this year’s refugee admissions goal was set at 45,000, only 21,000 have been admitted so far. Nonprofit agencies that typically work with the US government on a contract to help refugees settle in the US will be undermined by reduced funding that will adversely affect their ability to offer the specialized help refugees need.
“Members of Congress must demand that proper procedure be followed and a vastly more robust target be substituted. Otherwise, a key part of the nation’s refugee policy and foreign policy will become just another whim of the Trump Administration.”
The National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) is a grassroots organization of volunteers and advocates who turn progressive ideals into action. Inspired by Jewish values, NCJW strives for social justice by improving the quality of life for women, children, and families and by safeguarding individual rights and freedoms. More information on Facebook and on Twitter at @NCJW.